JOHN WILLIS-Baptist Revivalist Top Baptist Websites


I believe and preach:
The Baptist God, The Baptist Savior, The Baptist Book (KJV 1611),
The Baptist Churches and The Baptist Bride of Christ

I am available primarily for Revival Campaigns and Bible Conferences. My specialties are Church and Personal Revival, Personal Deliverance, Intensive Soul-Winning and Our Baptist Heritage.

After being saved I prayed and asked God to show me the who, what, when and where of His Church. This is a study that has continued for over 25 years with sometimes surprising results. One such result is that this doctrine is one of the most requested topics for messages.

All Campaigns, Seminars and Bible Conferences are presented with the definite plan to:

1) Make Christians out of the unsaved;
2) Make Baptists out of Christians and
3) Make better Baptists out of church members.

As you can readily see, this is the Official Baptist Program given to us by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. Many have already been blessed by this teaching and I'm sure many more will be in your church area.

Frequently, there is interest expressed in my past with the gangs, the Black Panther Party and the occult. Although these sections are very brief, you can get the basic facts as they really happened. More detailed information on any topic can be given during any meeting that you desire.

Now, let me give you some information about each of these topics and how they influenced me.


As some might remember The Black Panther Party as a very radical/revolutionary group that started in the African-American community of Oakland, CA in the 1960's. The truth is that we actually espoused the violent overthrow of the United States government and the destruction of all police forces as our primary goal!

Politically we were avowed Maoists(Chairman Mao Tse-tung)/Socialists, and read and memorized sayings from his "Little Red Book" religiously.

We were taught to expect and promote revolution in our lifetimes.

On a further note, many Pastors and Christians make the mistake of thinking that there is no need to specially prepare for ministry to those who are Socialist.

Contrary to popular opinion, socialism as a belief system did not die when the Berlin Wall came down nor when the former Soviet Union broke up!

It is a very viable strategy for overcoming the world's ills in the minds of many college students, professors and graduates.

Through God's grace, I have been able to help those with ministries near college campuses to be able to accurately defend the truth of God's Word against the lies of Marxism.

Some of these lies are so subtle that they usually go unnoticed by most soul-winners.

Utilizing Open-Air, Street Preaching and Questioning Evangelism especially on campus, soul-winners learn how to win this most needy group to Christ.


My gang life was as a higher ranking member in the local Chicago street gang called the Devil's Disciples, Black Disciples and the Gangster Disciples.

This is not a group of local small-time thugs that we commonly hear of, but a highly organized and complex cime syndicate, a second Mafia if you like, that controls the everyday lives of multiplied thousands of Black and White and Hispanic young adults around this nation.

By the way, the gangs have done what their parents could not and would not do...have genuine love for each other no matter what race or ethnic group they belong to or language they speak. This continues to be one of the main reasons for their explosive growth!

Many parents are surprised to learn that their child has joined a gang that they thought was just in the Midwest,.. only to learn the shocking truth later usually as a part of some other problem.

In Freedom Sessions given with their parents present, teens and others learn how to successfully leave the gang, live to tell about it and become productive members of your church and society.


Never believe anything that someone might tell you concerning the "demise of the occult".

Not only is it alive and well, it's also very very powerful!

Untold millions of young people are drugged and duped into following this extremely attractive "craft" even as I was. The sad fact is that most Christian youth are in complete ignorance of it's seduction and how to stop it. And to be fair..the same holds true with most Christian adults and even pastors!

For me, the seducing started when I was just three years old. You see at that age I would pick the "winners" for the dog and horse races. I remember being told.."touch the newspaper, go on pick one".

The next day, I got a brand new tricycle and a complete cowboy outfit..hat, guns, boots and all!

Later in life I recall telling my father which numbers would "fall" in the next "policy" drawing that day. And guess what?
You got it...a winner, this time to the tune of a few hundred dollars. That was alot of money...a whole lot of money in those days.

From there it became thoroughly evident that I had some type of "Power" which I didn't want anyone to know about as I went through my teen years.

Eventually, I became the pastor of a "Spiritual" church and was able to command the respect and attention of a "clientele" that brought me thousands of dollars each month. I loved that money more than life itself.

One day.. "the power" was gone and I couldn't make it come back..until I was told how to do it by someone.

This up and down with occult power continued for a number of years..I just hid it from my clients. I only got truly free when I was saved.

This is the most meaningful thing that I can tell you if you know anyone that is in the occult.
Their issue is the "POWER" and how to keep it..

Salvation is the only thing that can set them free. And the best person to minister to them is someone who has been a practicing occultist.

There are many other things that former victims of the occult need help with...things that come as direct and indirect attacks from the Devil himself.

My ministry in this area has been to help those who have travelled this dark road and came out as I did.

Pastors and church leaders and teachers can learn how to deal effectively with the occult and to spot Satanic infiltration into the leadership and teaching ministries of your church.

This ministry called BAPTIST REVIVALS is solely under the authority of
The Waymark Baptist Temple in Aurora,IL.

Note Well: I preach from Conviction and not for Convenience!!

A detailed doctrinal statement is available upon request.