JOHN WILLIS-Baptist Revivalist Top Baptist Websites


Aurora,IL-Sept. 5,2004 Now We've Got a "Blog"
I've added a "Blog"(web-log) to the ministry website. Just go to
BAPTIST REVIVALS and click the weblog button and it will get you there stat! It's the only one of its kind that I've been able to find on the web. So go there and check it out and leave some feedback. I will give more frequent News and updates as they happen.

For those that don't know, blogs are the newest and most widely read form of media on the web! More blogs are read than all of the newspapers combined. Their ability to effect readers decisions was evidenced by their critical use and dessimination during the last presidential campaign. Voters paid more attention to the blogs than the regular news media. They can or rather are, a pretty effective tool for evangelism and revival. If you have a website my advice is to get a blog and use it wildly.

Aurora,IL-Nov. 23,2003 First Year of TV Broadcasting near Completed
Although never announced via Internet, our "REAL TRUTH" broadcast on ComCast Cable Network has been in operation since this time last year. It features expose`s & documentary of issues and topics of current interest to saved and unsaved alike. Since this first year was a typical pilot season we were able to gather enough positive information on our viewing audience to decide to continue production and broadcasting. This is not the typical "song and dance" TV ministry. Some of the issues handled were: Terrorism, Islam's real agenda, Witchcraft, Halloween, the Entertainment Industry, Harry Potter and the Christian Holocaust in Sudan. Upcoming programs will address Christmas and its pagan basis, Mormonism, the Watchtower Society, Public Education, The Clinton Administration, Devil-Worship, Roman Catholicism and others. Continue to pray for this ministry that "a great door and effectual" will be made open to us. If you would like to see this type of strictly pro-Baptist TV ministry in your area, just contact me by email.

Naperville,IL-July 22,2002 Announcing-New Baby
John Godwin born at 2:37pm
Weight: 7 lbs 2oz Length: 20 1/4 in
This birth was quite an experience..different from all the rest. It was the easiest and shortest. He was born face up and his apgar scores were 9 and 9. This was a planned hospital birth which is special since we have children by home birth. Mother and son are doing fine and keep me running.
Pray for the new one and all of us, especially me. Children ARE a blessing from the LORD and the fruit of the womb is His reward! Thank you GOD for continually blessing me.

Greenville,SC-June 6,2002 Mrs. Oliver B. Greene now with Dr. Greene
We are saddened to learn of the death of the widow of Evangelist Oliver B. Greene. Sister Greene laboured since the 1976 death of her husband for the continuance of The Gospel Hour ministry. It was Mrs. Greene that first informed me of the death of Bro. Greene when I was newly saved (read account below). She was an accomplished author in her own right along with her husband. We should all continue to pray for this ministry that has faithfully preached the Gospel to the world for the last 45 years. Bro. David Greene, their son who is an attorney, has taken the helm of this ministry and will need the prayers of all of the friends and family of The Gospel Hour in the days ahead. On my own personal note: the Gospel Hour and Evangelist Greene were and are a continuing inspiration to me in this ministry and the various radio ministries that I've been in. It is my hope that all future broadcast ministry given by Baptist Revivals will remain as dedicated as that of the Greene's.

Aurora,IL-May 11,2002 New Training Course for non-Baptists
The old problem of how to get non-Baptist believers into Baptist Churches, can be solved by teaching them the truth about the church. Using the booklet "What Is A New Testament Church?" written by Bro. Robt. Sargent, Pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Oak Harbour, WA; along with a new line of visuals; church workers can now show non-Baptists first hand the true Bible doctrine of the Church. The saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words" proves true with this new addition to the work being done by BAPTIST REVIVALS. By adding a visual with the text the message becomes explosive and hard to resist, winning more to the true faith. These visuals are not for resale by agreement with the author, but will be used extensively by this church outreach-ministry. Please pray that we will reach our expectations for ministry and more.

Chicago,IL-April 27,2002 40-Days of Continual Prayer and Teaching
ending on 5/17 at Kingdom of Christ Baptist Church on the city's soutside,has led to numerous recommitments to Christ and the Great Commission. Led by Pastor Harvey Richardson, this church is experiencing spiritual growth and renewal simply by praying every day at noon. Bro.Willis, the teacher for the Saturday sessions, brings insight to the church on personal revival. Soulwinning is the natural outcome with new people coming to the church at each meeting. The pastor plans to hold a "Midnight Shut-in" as a fitting completion around Pentecost.